Blue street

Take a walk down Blue Street,
Take a walk with me
There are no dreams on Blue Street
Just what came to me
Took your daydream to the dealer
You closed your eyes and kissed his feet
Was he an angel or the devil?
Gonna find out now
On Blue Street
Blue Street is where you go
When its over past and gone
All alone here on Blue Street
No need to find out what went wrong

the fear you feel
Is coming from the inside of your own soul
When you find out you can't escape it
The only thing you can't control
Hey this is Blue street
There sure ain't no sunny side
Drop to the paving stones
'Cos there's nowhere you can hide
Yeah this is Blue Street
Yeah this is Blue Street
Oh this is Blue Street

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Last shown lyrics on are :

TV-2 - Det Er Samfundets Skyld

SCOOTER - Zebras Crossing the Street

Shu-bi-dua - Titles From A Magazine

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